Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Lovely Day

Today was beautiful in Indiana. The Lillies in my Easter flowers from my amazing husband bloomed early this morning making the day start off wonderfully.

Then my husband and I had a rare day out. Our daughter came over to stay with Mom and we took off (you might have seen our dust flying down the avenue we were in such a hurry!) Off to my favorite place to eat in all time zones, the Olive Garden, and then we shopped.  Penneys, the Mall, Sears, Old Navy, you name it we hit it.  Earl is a shopper. I have always been extremely thankful of that and he is my favorite shopping buddy because if I look at something and say that's pretty or nice, or lovely, he says "Get it babe." Instead of my usual talking myself out of it he insists. He's fun. And generous. And handsome. And. se... Ok moving on.

After our shopping we enjoyed a leisurely drive home where we talked and caught up. It may seem strange that though we are together almost 24/7 we would need time to catch up but when I am home I'm in a constant state of "what does my Mom need" that I rarely destress enough to really just enjoy the talking. Did I tell you I'm thankful for my husband? Well I am.

And it was a lovely day.  When we got home, Earl did some yard work and Jen and I hung out for a bit and went to grocery store together. Then I watched a recap of yesterdays Royal Wedding which I had somehow missed, and smiled. It really was a pretty wedding, and they seemed so in love. I wish them the best.

I had a lovely day. Lovely is my new  go to word, doesn't it sound British? Isn't that lovely, isn't she lovely, what a lovely day. I hope everyone else had one too!

The Royal Wedding

She looked beautiful, His eyes lit up when he looked at her, the Best Man looked mischievious and happy to be there.  It was a beautiful day and a beautiful wedding.

 What Kate and William got married? OH I was talking about Jenna and Ben!


What a cute best man.

Their year anniversary is coming up.

Oh and I heard Kate and Williams wedding was beautiful too.

Time has Escaped Me once again

I am not consistent. I wish I was consistent. I desire to be consistent, but I have not blogged since November. I have been busy. That's really no excuse, writers are suppose to write, bloggers are suppose to blog, but sometimes I let myself get lazy, and hazy and crazy and I just don't. No excuse, just don't. I want to change that about myself. How do you change yourself? Anyone have any idea.  NO? Well if you do, please let me know.

Life has been moving along at a good pace. My son and his wife are in India for a few months, they have sent me pictures.
I was surprised by the palm trees. I wasn't expecting it to be tropical. I don't know why. I have never studied much on India- I certainly need to now, since my darling Daughter in law is from there and I'm positive one day we shall venture the long plane ride and visit. I will do some studying.

I do know that this is in India.

How gorgeous is that? The Taj Mahal (which is actually a tomb).

Our youngest son will be home from college next week. He will be staying home from now on and commuting to a nearby college. Two years two states away was enough for him, he missed me too much- actually a darling girl named Sarah is the one he missed, but he's ready to stay home for a while. We are glad.

and our daughter and her husband are doing great. Happy Newlyweds still. Almost a year and both marriages seem to be going strong. Thank you Lord.

So I'm back and plan on staying back. Day One- let's see how it goes.