Friday, March 30, 2012

Dream Job

Question of the day- What is your dream job and why?

It would be writing. Whether a novel, a blog, articles, at a newspaper. I love writing. I would love to get paid for writing. Somehow. Someway. That's my dream job. Why? Because it's been a part of me for so long. I feel good after getting words on paper. I feel like I've accomplished something, and people do tell me I'm good at it. I wonder if I am really good, or it's just people don't want to hurt my feelings, but I've never been told I'm bad at it. My writing teacher in high school would help with some things, but he always told me you are talented Diane. You can make people feel with your words. It's like anything, if you're passionate about it, your passion affects others, I guess. Well that's why.

I hope you enjoy. My words. My tears. My Joy. My heart.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day Six- Hardest thing

If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart I'll stay there forever.  Winnie The Pooh

The question for today is "What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced."



I've been through some tough things, losing my Dad, my husband's heart attack at age 36, letting my children grow up and leave me, my Mom's stroke...

but the hardest thing.  Losing David.

I've written about this before. I'm still going through this. I miss that little guy so very much. I would have given up my life just so he could have had his.

Life. Not easy.

We were so ready for David. Our first grandchild. The loss is at times unbearable, and I just want to scream about the unfairness of it all. The question is always at the back of my mind. Why? Why? Why?

No answer ever comes. No answer would even help.

So we go on. Look to the future. Look with hope to the future.

God is good. He sustains me.

And one day I know, I will get to hold him in my arms again, rain kisses down on his head, and tell him once again. MawMaw loves you. I think he knows.

I hope so.

Being Happy

Today's question is What are the five things that make you most happy right now.

Happy means: delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing.

I am basically a happy person, don't ask my husband about it, he thinks I'm too sad right now. But it's been a very rough few months, and my smiles aren't as frequent as normal. I had to have a stern talk with myself a couple of weeks ago. I told myself to stop it. I was brooding too much. Crying too much. And all that is normal, I know, with what we have been through, but I was tired of being sad, I was making myself miserable, and as always it took my wonderful husband to see that. It's not that he isn't sad too, but he told me we have to enjoy the time we have. So after my lecture to myself I made a concentrated effort to be happier.

Right now the five things that make me the happiest is.

1. The weather we are having.  I almost feel like the Lord gave us this beautiful March weather to help us see the sun again. He brought spring a little earlier just so we could see new life, get out of the darkness and experience freshness once again. Also he knows I hate winter.

2. My husband. I know I brag on him a lot in this blog. But he always makes me smile. I rarely ever hear a negative word from Earl. He has a bright outlook, even when things are bad. He loves working in the yard, making it beautiful for us. He built me a Rose Garden, he sings to me "I never promised you a rose garden, but I built you one." He likes to sing, which always makes me laugh. He's fun and he's mine.

3. My kids and my kid in laws. I am blessed. And I am so happy that I will get to visit my son and his wife in just a couple of weeks. Jamie is like his dad, likes to sing but can't, and is a happy boy. In fact his favorite song is the Happy Song.   Gifty has a light in her that is infectious. Her outlook is so bright and happy I could just hug her all her all day long, and if she senses sadness she says let's pray. Prayer brings peace and Gifty is our gift of peace from the Lord.
When my daughter walks in my door my heart thrills to see her. Even in her grief Jenna has always been concerned with me being alright. She is the one who I can tell my sadness too, and she will understand, and just let me be sad. Women know they just need to listen, and unlike most men it doesn't have to be fixed. Just sitting beside me holding my hand, my daughter makes me happy.  Ben is the rock. He doesn't think he is, but he is. Ben made up his mind to trust God with whatever the Lord has for them, and he doesn't waver in his example of strength, or his faith. He also makes us laugh, because he is so sarcastic. Don't try having a serious conversation with him, he is incapable of having one. :)
and Justin, my sweet precious baby boy. He is young and excited about life. When it seems he is wrapped up in his own life, he can surprise me like saying he would go to the movies with me because no one else would, at midnight, on a day he has had school all day and has to open the next morning, knowing he will get no sleep. and then he did, just because I had to see this movie as soon as it premiered. He makes me happy.

4. My Bella. I saw a quote that said "You don't like dogs?? Enjoy your life with no soul."  Amazing how this dog affects my life. I could not imagine life without my Bella. When we came home from the movies the other night and opened the downstairs door, she came rushing down the steps as if a demon was chasing her, she sidestepped around Justin to jump in my arms like she hadn't seen me in months. We'd been gone just two hours. She makes me happy because she loves me so much. I'm her favorite and I am glad.

5. Knowing that God loves me. I look at people who don't have a relationship with the Lord and wonder how they even get by one day. He brings me peace and contentment. He holds me up when I'm ready to fall. Prayer helps me get through my days, because I know he hears me and shows me in so many ways that he loves me, whether if it's by a friend stopping by to see me or calling to talk, a precious hug from my little Kileigh girl, or a soft gentle warm breeze, I am thankful. Plus he gave us the ocean, my favorite happy place, what a wonderful God we serve.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

If I could turn back time

The thought question for today is "List ten things you would tell your sixteen year old self if you could".

I had to think about this for a bit. I had to stop and remember what I was like at sixteen. A big brat. Sometimes. I was feisty and somewhat bossy. Yes I am talking about my sixteen year old self, not myself today. :) Ok maybe I am still feisty and somewhat bossy...well anyway...this is what I would say:

1. Do not go out with that boy.

2. Take your classes seriously. I was ok in school, without studying. I didn't study. I did my homework in study hall or on the bus to leave my nights free. I didn't let a lot of things penetrate my brain because my brain wanted to party.  My Dad and Mom would get aggravated with me and say "You are not applying yourself. You are so smart. You could do so much better." and I heard... "blah blah blah" and say "It's my life!" Shut up and listen Diane.

3. Do not smoke that cigarette.

4. Cherish your friend more, make more memories, she won't be around in four years, and you will miss her desperately

5. Don't be so dramatic Diane and act like you're going to die, because honestly that boy was not worth it. You will meet the man of your dreams in two years. He will make everyone pale in comparison, and he will love you for who you are.

6. Do not only think of yourself, do something for someone else.

7. Join the drama club even though your friends think it's lame, because you really wanted to. Expand your horizons and your friendship base. You're really not that cool, so don't look down your nose on something that is different.

8. Thank Mr. Romano for believing in you and teaching you how to put your thoughts down on paper.

9. Treat your parents with more respect, they are the backbone that will get you through some tough years, and they were really smart even back then.

10. And seriously....don't go out with that boy.


Today's question and answer

 Today's question is Describe your relationship with your parents. Is that really a question?

This one is pretty easy, well it was when I was little, it was perfect, we are just going to skip through the teen years and forget that I was an ungrateful brat most days and head right into my grown up years when I began to appreciate them.

I've already written a blog on both on my Mom and my Dad, so I won't go into great detail, but my Dad was my superhero and my Mom was/is my best friend. I am forever grateful for the parents the Lord gave me to. They shaped my life. They showed me to tough it out no matter what, that joy comes in the morning.

and I believe that joy will come in the morning.

I am ready for the morning.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Here we go...oh oh oh

I just love the sitcom Raising Hope- so their theme song is stuck in my head this morning therefore the title of this post.

My thirty days of writing is on day two and question number 2 is:

  Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears

This is kind of hard for me. I don't have a lot of fears. I don't like mice, but I don't really fear them. Now I guess I kind of fear snakes. But that's just common sense, you should fear something that could kill you right? But then again I don't really fear death. Because I believe in heaven and I believe that if I die on this earth I will be alive in heaven. I'm looking forward to heaven. If I didn't have my faith I may fear death, because what hope would we have then? Just to die and be dead? I'm bordering on morbid today, let's move on.

I do fear losing my kids, and my husband. I do not want to be without them. That's why I have so much pain for my daughter Jenna, because losing David left a big hole in my heart, but I know it hurts her and Ben much more, and I fear for any of my children to feel that pain again. I didn't move on very far did I?

Our life is full of pain and sorrow. But there is joy. My Mom never feared many things. She wasn't afraid of mice, or snakes or being home alone in the dark, so fear wasn't transferred to us kids. My Mom is a brave woman who stood up for herself. I tried to emulate that. I think fear steals joy. I want to be joyful and happy. I want my family to be joyful and happy.

OK. So here is my answer:

Don't be afraid.

Of anything.

and if you are

Conquer your fears. Because life is not meant to be lived in fear.

I never follow the rules on anything. If you know me very long, you will find that out about me. Even answering simple questions cause me to rebel and not answer the questions correctly. :)

I remember my drama teacher in high school telling me "You just can't take authority can you Diane?" and I said "NOPE. LET ME BE ME."

I was kind of a brat.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

30 Things

I came across a blog that listed 30 things to ask your spouse or yourself during a road trip. I thought I might try and do that on here (I'm been slacking on writing so I thought I might try and do this to flex my writing muscles)- If you are reading my blog you might be interested in my life- right? Well maybe, so goes.  1st Question- List 20 random facts about your life.

1.  I have an amazing husband who just yesterday danced me around the kitchen singing Hey, I Love you and said he was ready for the beach. I am too. He can always surprise me.

2. I have three beautiful children who are my life. Jamie- Jenna- Justin- they are my heart and bring me happiness and joy most every day.

3. I have two wonderful children that are married to my kids. Gifty and Ben. They are my heart also. They have brought freshness and joy to my life as well.

4. I have a twin brother who drives me crazy, makes me laugh, and has my back even when he's mad at me. We have shared so much pain and joy. I love you Keith, I'd like to smack you too. :)

5. I am adopted- read past posts. It shaped my life, but did not define me.

6. I have the best nieces and nephews in the world.

7. I am close to all of my sister in laws- Susie, Diana, Judy, Debbie and Karen. Strange huh? But they are my best buds.

8. Some of my writing was published in a college text book written by my High School Writing Teacher- Tom Romano-  Writing with passion- check it out some time. I have an entire inter chapter named after me. One of the coolest moments of my life.

9. I love ice cream. Too much.

10. I love cruises.

11. I love Doritos. Too much.

12. I am a caregiver to my Mother. I have been taking care of her for the past two years. The hardest job I've ever had, but also the most rewarding (besides raising my children.)

13. I lived in Germany for two years when we were first married.

14. Touching my grandson for the first time was the most defining moment of my life. The love I had for him was the most overwhelming of my life.

15. Losing our grandson was the most painful moment of my life.

16. I love girl scout thin mint cookies. Too much.

17. I absolutely love going to church. And am forever thankful that the Lord loves me.

18. I have the best friends that anyone ever has had.

19. I am a writer. I have been writing since I was eight years old, some of my best memories are hunched over a old Royal manual Typewriter that was my dad's. I wore out the ribbon and would rewind it and rewind it until it was threadbare. I still have it.

20. My desire is to heal, and help with my words. I hope that I do.

So there you go- first question. This month should be interesting.