Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A funny thing happened on the way to the .....

Do you have that face? I have that face. The one where some people you meet think they know you, or you are related to someone they know or are you sure we haven't met before? I can't tell you how many times someone has said to me "I think we've met before." "Um no." " Are you sure, you look familiar, are you Jenny's  sister?" "No." " did you go to East Central High School?" "No." "Well I'm sure I know you from somewhere." I usually just say maybe and try to escape. I think I know everyone I know, puhleese.  But the best was several years ago when Justin was a baby, and there was still the little IGA store on the corner of Huntersville and Pearl.  I had a big blue Bonneville, a boat of a car my Uncle had given me and it was and always will be my favorite car. It was roomy and had some power. My dad called me lead foot as I took those curves on 229 going at the speed of light, anyway sidetracked. Thinking of that car just made me miss it. So one morning I had only Justin with me and I was putting him back in his car seat getting ready to leave, was bent over trying to get the car seat buckled( they were bad then- they are worse now I didn't even attempt Brooklyn's on Sunday, I let her Mom do it :) when suddenly I was pounded on the back, ouch- it hurt and I turned around ready to do damage to the person who dared hit me. It was a startled dark haired woman who immediately apoligised " I'm so sorry I thought you were Barb." So apparently even my back side looks familiar.

Worse then people not knowing if they know me or not, is people not knowing my name even after hearing it 453 times. We have lived in our house here for almost thirteen years and my older next door neighbor still calls me Debbie. She sends me invites with Debbie Rowland on it. When I broke my ankle she called me on the phone. "Debbie?" " no this is Diane." "Debbie?" "No this is Diane." "Is this Debbie?" "Yes," I finally said. " This is Debbie." The kicker not too long ago I was sitting on my backyard swing with my husband and my neighbor on the other side of me was on her deck. I heard "Hey Debbie" I didn't answer right away and again "Debbie Debbie!!"  I looked at my husband "Is she talking to me?" He said "Yep I think so." "Oh well!" I said "When they talk about me behind my back at least people won't know who the heck they are talking about!"

One thing we can know for sure is the God of the universe knows our name. He created us and loves us, and if no one down here on earth knows us, he does. For that I am thankful.

Isaiah 43:1 ESV 

But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.

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