Friends never stand in your way, unless you are going down- Arthur Glasgow
A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out. ~Grace Pulpit
A good friend is cheaper than therapy. ~Author Unknown
Women need women. Face it, accept it, rely on it. Yes you put some women together and they can be catty and mean. They can backstab and gossip, but they can also be your very life saver. I've been so blessed my entire life with a wonderful mother who was my very best friend, my support, my champion. Then my daughter was attached to my hip and became another very close friend, and now that she's married there is even more we can share. But I also have some other very wonderful ladies who love me no matter what, and became close confidents of my life and thiers, who held me up through this tough mess that was my life the last few months and who without their prayer, support and humor I would have just laid down and gave up. Be prepared ladies I'm going to name you. There's Cathy,Tami, Laurie, Becky, Leigh, Kelly, Amy, Missy, Faye, Bevvy, Janice and Angie. There's long time far away friends who send me supportive messages on face book, Suzy, Bonnie, Dee. There are my three awesome sister in laws who through 27 years of being a family feel more like sisters than inlaws, Susie, Judy and Diana. I have two aunts that check on me periodically though they live in another state, Judy and Joy. There is my awesome niece Crystal who inspires me and makes me smile she's so beautiful inside and out. I even have a friend I've never met in person, but we starting talking on a writing website a few years ago and have kept in touch since then, Nadia she is a tremendous blessing. They range from 23 to 65. They each touch me in so many ways, encourage me, make fun of me, laugh with me, and tell me when I'm being irrational. They send me cards, and call me on the phone, take me out to lunch, go shopping with me and let me cry. And I thank you all. I love you all! But God didn't think I had enough girlfriends, he blessed me once again, he gave me back my sister. Her name is Vicki.
Diane you are such a sweet person! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful online buddy:)
You're the sweet one Nadia! Funny how God works- truly mysterious- who'd have thought by just joining a writing website you would meet a friend there that blesses you so much!