Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wedding Daze

"I'm getting married today!" Jenna Elizabeth Rowland June 12, 2010

 I woke up before five that morning, and lay there exhausted.  I thought about the day before, going to the reception hall, getting it decorated. Two of my sister in laws, my friends, Jenna's mother in law, we knocked it out in no time, and the lady helping us at the restaurant was terrific.  It was beautiful, I couldn't wait to see it with the candles lit.

The rehearsal had went great, my aunt and uncle from North Carolina had made it with their grandson, our son Jamie and his bride Gifty were home.  They were all asleep in the house, plus two of my nieces and Jenna were piled into one bedroom downstairs. We had sat up late last night, me Jenna Gifty on the bed, my nieces on the floor on a mattress and talked. I hugged on my daughter and kissed her head fifty times. Last night in the house as my little girl. It was a treasured time, can't really remember what we chatted about, probably the wedding and my future grandchildren, but I remember the feeling of family, of loving these people so much.

I kissed my husband and he stirred but didn't wake.  I tiptoed out of the room and went into the kitchen to put on some coffee.  I wasn't going to get anymore sleep.  I saw our youngest son sprawled out on the couch in the upstairs living room and thought don't get married for a long time justin! And then I text my sister.

They had arrived late, just getting to the rehearsal dinner.  They had wanted to be there earlier so the first time I saw Wilma we would have some privacy but it didn't work out that way. My worry evaporated when I saw her and she hugged me.  It felt right, it felt good, here was another person to love. I cried just a little but we were off a bit away from everyone and we whispered a few words and I promised myself we would find some time this weekend to talk some. 

That morning I typed "Are you awake?"  to my sister who was staying with her mom and her husband, Gene in a hotel a mile away. A few minutes later answering text "Yes".  I asked her if she wanted to go get some coffee, maybe breakfast at mcdonalds and told her I would pick her up in a few minutes.

That private time that morning with Vicki, before anyone stirred and the bustle of the day got ahead of us, that time just spent talking with my sister as we ate and drank coffee in a nearly deserted Mcdonalds, that hour just laughing and enjoying each other, that is one of my Many favorite memories of the day.  It felt like a secret, everyone else asleep, the sky still dark. Sister time before it became about Mother and Daughter time, and of course Husband, Father, Family time!

It was pouring down the rain. Vicki and I went to Krogers before I dropped her off so  could find some sparking grape juice for the wedding reception for the Bride and Groom, and then I headed home to wake everyone up.

Jenna, my nieces, Jenna's bridesmaids and I had hair appointments for eight that morning. Jenna couldn't find her garter so I took the girls and dropped them off at the beauty shop which was thankfully right by the church and headed to walmart which of course did not have a garter one.  I called my sister in law Susie and she called and found me one at the Hallmark Shop and then I called Earl who went and got it.  It was still pouring rain.  I got back to my appointment and was rushing in and forgot to turn off my car engine.  Angie peaked out a few minutes later and told me my car was still running. 

"Rain on your weddng day is good luck." The hair stylist was telling Jenna as she looked at me and I shrugged. "How's that?" She asked, thinking of her hair and her dress I'm sure. "Well back in the old days in Indian Culture they tied a rope together to symbol the joining of two souls and if it was raining, it wet the rope and made the knot tighter, harder to break. So Rain meant luck." We didn't know if that was true, but it sounded good, and Angie kept saying it's going to stop, watch and see, it's going to stop.

And miracles of miracles it did stop.  Our God is an awesome God. It stopped before we had to go out with our heads done up and we made it to the church without a speck of rain on us.  Angie brought us donuts and then food for lunch.  Our friend Janice got there early to start the make up and we spent the remaining few hours before the wedding getting prettied up and giggling like school children.  I was nervous and my niece Kaycee who was the flower girl was hyper but it was all good.

 I was ever so glad to see Earl when he got there early though.

Just his presence calms me - so a quick hug and kiss and I'm feeling pretty good.

And then my sister got there and I was feeling so blessed to have her there with us on that special day.

So it was almost time. Jenna was ready- Ben was peeking out the pastor study door-with a big smile ready to go...

Time to get this show on the road!

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