Day ten of my 30 days is "Name ten pet peeves you have." Boy 20 more days of my voice. Can you handle it? My Pet Peeves....hmmmm.
Well I've tried not to let things bother me as much but let's see if I can come up with ten.
1. Rude salespeople. This is my biggest one. I know sales is hard, I know that the customer is always right is not easy, but please I'm spending my money in your store, be nice. Or quit your job. Should I tell you this? I got someone fired once at Kroger. He was a teenage boy, who was not nice to me. Called me a B****. Yes I know, Me a B**** not even possible...well ok. Maybe. So I called the manager over, I threw a fit and out he went. Did I feel bad? Nope. I didn't. He was rude and not helpful. He didn't want his job, didn't appreciate his job, and I never saw him again. I doubt I was the last woman he called a B.
2. Eye Rolls...Don't look at me and roll your eyes while I am speaking. What I have to say is very important. Don't blow me off like that. I haven't had to deal with this so much since my children are grown, but never did my hand itch so much to slap a face as when one of my kids rolled their eyes at me.
3. Snow coming straight at me. I hate driving period. I hate driving in the snow worse. What can I do about it? Nothing, so I don't drive when it's snowing.
4. The View. I cannot stand that show. I wish they would take it off the air. Enough said.
5. Mosquito bites. Seriously? You can't sit outside without getting bitten? What is up with that?and the itching lasts for days? Why Lord why?
6. People who cut in line, unless it's me. That doesn't bother me so much. ;)
7. Popcorn kernals in your teeth. Why can't they just slide down your throat like other foods?
8. Fleas on my dog. Fortunately this only happened once. Thank you Lord.
9. Rain. Yuck. I know we need rain. but still...yuck.
10. Mud on my shoes. I don't like dirt, I especially don't like it tracked into my house. Why Lord Why?
OK that wasn't so hard. I guess I'm not as evolved as I thought I was.
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