Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Well I managed to slog my way through January without making any effort whatsoever to exercise. Not good. So today is February 1st and I made a promise to myself that I will exercise, I will lose weight, I will become healthy.  So before I could talk myself out of it I jumped on the scale and I was prepared to be sick to my stomach, but it wasn't as bad as I thought. I mean it was still bad, but not as bad as I thought. I can do this.

I told myself that I will lose twenty pounds, then I will go from there. I'm not going to set my goal so high I can't reach it and then get discouraged.

So I'm losing twenty pounds. Earl came home for lunch and I told him I was going to go to the gym with him after work.  He was happy, he always likes it when I go to the gym with him. He thinks he's sexy while he's working out. Well he kind of is, but moving on....

But Now I'm committed so I have to do it.

So I will let you all know how my progress goes. Today is the first day of the....oh that's so cheesy, I never did like that quote so I'll find you another one. "There are only two choices...make progress or make excuses." I'm done making excuses.

I have to be able to keep up with all those grandbabies I'm going to have one day.  I'm not old yet.

Well not too old.