Thursday, October 18, 2012

Dog Life

Today I just feel the need to post pictures of my beautiful boxers, Bella and Molly.


Molly looking at Bella and Mr. Coop

Bella being attentive, Molly saying, another picture?
Poor pitiful Molly, leaning on my leg because she has to wear a cone
My Beauty Bella
laughing Molly
I love them
Tired Bella

Those are my girls.

Happy day to you.


Sunday, October 7, 2012


I am feeling sentimental. Holidays are coming. It's fall, remembering emotional things. Seven years ago my dad died on the 12th. Rough day. Very rough day, month, year. I wonder do we really ever get over losing someone? I'm thinking no. I still miss him, a lot. It gets easier but it never goes away. Maybe it's not suppose to. Those people that we lose, they touched our lives, maybe even shaped our lives, so how could we ever really lose them. I do wish my dad had met Ben, my daughter's husband. He would like him, and his sweater vests.

Jenna is having a baby in February. Another precious little love for me. I'm very excited about that. Though the little stinker wouldn't let us see its gender at the last ultrasound.

We got a new pup, Molly, who has grown like a weed. Another cool boxer.

My awesome husband bought me an iPad and I can blog on it, excited about that too. It makes the writing easier since I never am far from my IPAD.  It will be a fun winter, planning on doing some new crafts. I will try and blog those.

And November will be here soon enough and we must all VOTE!!!

See you soon blog readers. I've missed you!