Tuesday, March 27, 2012

If I could turn back time

The thought question for today is "List ten things you would tell your sixteen year old self if you could".

I had to think about this for a bit. I had to stop and remember what I was like at sixteen. A big brat. Sometimes. I was feisty and somewhat bossy. Yes I am talking about my sixteen year old self, not myself today. :) Ok maybe I am still feisty and somewhat bossy...well anyway...this is what I would say:

1. Do not go out with that boy.

2. Take your classes seriously. I was ok in school, without studying. I didn't study. I did my homework in study hall or on the bus to leave my nights free. I didn't let a lot of things penetrate my brain because my brain wanted to party.  My Dad and Mom would get aggravated with me and say "You are not applying yourself. You are so smart. You could do so much better." and I heard... "blah blah blah" and say "It's my life!" Shut up and listen Diane.

3. Do not smoke that cigarette.

4. Cherish your friend more, make more memories, she won't be around in four years, and you will miss her desperately

5. Don't be so dramatic Diane and act like you're going to die, because honestly that boy was not worth it. You will meet the man of your dreams in two years. He will make everyone pale in comparison, and he will love you for who you are.

6. Do not only think of yourself, do something for someone else.

7. Join the drama club even though your friends think it's lame, because you really wanted to. Expand your horizons and your friendship base. You're really not that cool, so don't look down your nose on something that is different.

8. Thank Mr. Romano for believing in you and teaching you how to put your thoughts down on paper.

9. Treat your parents with more respect, they are the backbone that will get you through some tough years, and they were really smart even back then.

10. And seriously....don't go out with that boy.


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